


Below are samples of my work from some of my favourite fields and clients. The Hungarian translation of the original English language documents are easily accessible in Pdf format, by clicking on the respective tabs.

Thank you to those organizations and individuals who allowed me to publicly share their materials. I encourage you Dear Visitor to look into the uploaded documents and browse the linked-in websites, they provide a good insight into the work and aspirations of some of the finest representatives of the highlighted fields.

If you want a taste of my writing style and information about related services, please visit Cultural Close-ups.

Accessibility Skilly, Guideline for Companies: Inclusive Communication and Recruitment Methodologies:  English | Hungarian

ArtsAhmed Dickinson Cárdenas & Eduardo Martín, The Bridge:  English | Hungarian

Human RightsThe Helsinki Committee, Court Capture Project – The Hungarian Recipe for Getting a Grip on the Judiciary:  English | Hungarian

Social SciencesC. Ivanescu and S. Berentzen, Becoming a Shaman: Narratives of Apprenticeship and Initiation in Contemporary Shamanism:  English | Hungarian

Sustainability – Galápagos and the Plastic Problem: English | Hungarian